Thursday, September 9, 2010

Class III Finished!

Yay! I finished the last two quads of my class III patient. I wish I would have declared an exam on this patient because I'm not sure how many more I'm going to run in to. Oh well, it was a good experience though! I was still apprehensive getting into the larger pocket areas. I could feel calculus with my explorer, but it was really hard to scale it out of there. It took many tries. I asked Pro. Perry to come help me and let me know which instruments work best in these situations. It really helped a lot. I was able to get some good chunks out of those pockets. It's so satisfying when I can actually see the deposits that I'm scaling off!
I also had a blind patient today. He brought his guide dog Comet! I love labs, and he was super cute! I enjoyed playing with the dog more than anything! But it was a good experience working with someone with such a hard disability. He was very nice and helpful. He was a 1B but there was a ton of plaque. It was mostly sub-gingival so I used my ultrasonic to flush it out, but it still took a lot of scaling to get it all. It was kind of hard for a 1B, but it's good to have all sorts of experiences I guess.

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