Saturday, September 25, 2010

VA good day!

So at the VA I was able to see two class V's. I was also able to get my exam done on one of them too! I'm glad I got those patients, so I was able to get eight quads and an exam! I really need to catch up to everyone after not being able to see some patients because of medical problems. I was also able to take bitewings on both too. All of my Weber patients haven't wanted x-rays. I need to be more pushy I guess.

1 comment:

  1. thats so nice to get all those quads done in one day! And at the VA especially cause ya never know what to expect. I feel the same way about needing to catch up. I had a patient take up the entire session because of premed and we couldnt start. then I missed a day at the VA because I was sick, then had to send a patient home another because of a friekin cold sore! Not fun. I understand the frustration:)
